More Mintabie Opal Images
More photos from Peters early opal mining days at Mintabie. Click the image to view a FULL size version.
Prospecting drill
(Directly behind, is what became crystal valley, perhaps the richest ground ever at Mintabie)
Black opal rough
Blasting behind our first claim at Mintabie
Stan and Hazel….These wonderful people are responsible for my MIntabie life
Mintabie early days
Rainbows above and below ground at Mintabie
Official sign for pilots with great telecopic vision.Mintabie airport.
Click on the image for a large readable picture
MINES DEPARTMENT also has clear meaning at Mintabie
The meaning is clear
Michael at work
Bulldozer cut
Bulldozer working the floor
My dad divining for opal
Main highway to Coober Pedy
Camel outside Mintabie Hardware
Best Mintabie black opal from our Old Field claim
Looking up shaft on our ” Metaphysical” claim (See opal stories)
Peter & Peppa the mining dog at Grasshopper
Beautiful Mintabie opal